
Showing posts from October, 2011

Creepy or Interesante?

          Wondering and thinking about weird things in life. Something that sounds absurd and weird but how about if it's true? What if people are really puppets and are being controlled ? What if aliens really do sneak up into individuals that catch their attention?  Are people really crazy when they said that they get abducted by aliens or do they really do get abducted?? What if it happened to you, how would you act? Is the Fourth Kind real footage or is it a creation by a SciFi director to keep us wondering about the truth about the mysterious other life in space?          I constantly have weird thrilling conversations like this with my roommates. keeping us awake at night thinking of explinations about the truth. But the realization is that nobody knows the truth. Because at the end of the day any fact or information that we had ever received was created by another human. And knowing that no homosapian alive in this earth is perfect, causing us to constantly make mist

The Disappointment in My Midterm Grade

              I am not where I imagined to be. I was disappointed in my midterm grade. I expected better from myself and I want and AM going to do better. I'm going to try to change some of my habits because I notice that it's not helping me. I never failed before and I'm not going to start failing now.          I decided that I'm going to start speaking up if I can't figure something out instead of trying to figure it out on my own. I'm also going to start working more on my time management skills. I know it's a little far into the semester and it might be a little late but it's hard for me when their is always something that happens that kind of throws me off track. But that I am aware that's not an excuse either.         I am going to get involved into a study group which I already have a study partner and I'm not only referring it to my INQ course but I'm also referring it to my other courses. I know that in this generation educ

Outside of my shell

    Before I, Channise Xiomara Ortega was too shy to get involved into a large group of people unless I was motivated by my friends. I was always known for being bold and doing stuff independently but joining something I wasn't really sure of was not me. I also wasn't the person to speak up in a crowd of people because I have stage fright and when I'm on the spotlight I tend to freeze up and stutter.    But lately for the last couple of weeks I have been attending and getting involved into many different activities.     I attended this first meeting for OLAS and enjoyed the meeting. The meeting had introduced me to my close friend Edson Teixeira and Kaira. We participate a lot on many activities that OLAS has been active on.      We have volunteer and helped out a stage crew prepare before their big act. I also have participated on helping set up for the huge ball dance "Noche De Gala" that raised money for scholarships for students in need.     I'

Midterm Video Report

          Working on this video was way harder than I thought. I had multiple of issues regarding with the camera. I had found a camera but most of the computers that I had doesn't have a slot for me to put in the memory card for the camera. Many ideas are wondering through my head wether I should add some dancing or add some other talents. I was also wondering wether or not does my creativity has to be linked to the Critical thinking questions or if they could just simply be in my video for entertainment. And to top everything off I really don't get the imovie thing but I am in the process of figuring things out =)

Could human results be compared to animal results?

      Their was an experiment that teachers had performed on kindergardners. Every kid had gotten a marshmalllow. But they had received another marshmallow if they had waited without eating a marshmallow. And whoever ate a marshmallow wouldn't get a second marshmallow. The kids who did waited without eating the marshmallow were considered successful in life because they seem to show more self discipline. The kids who didn't wait for their second marshmallow were considered not as much sccessful as the first group.      Now if they had done the same experiment with baby monkeys or chimpansees (substituting the marshmallows with bananas) would they have the same results (considering that monkeys/ chimpansees are similar to humans)?       RESULTS : I had three kind of answers. The first theory that kids had was that many monkeys are considered like human and at times they could be even smarter than humans. So they said that if a monkey had self discipline than maybe they coul