The Disappointment in My Midterm Grade


           I am not where I imagined to be. I was disappointed in my midterm grade. I expected better from myself and I want and AM going to do better. I'm going to try to change some of my habits because I notice that it's not helping me. I never failed before and I'm not going to start failing now. 
        I decided that I'm going to start speaking up if I can't figure something out instead of trying to figure it out on my own. I'm also going to start working more on my time management skills. I know it's a little far into the semester and it might be a little late but it's hard for me when their is always something that happens that kind of throws me off track. But that I am aware that's not an excuse either.
        I am going to get involved into a study group which I already have a study partner and I'm not only referring it to my INQ course but I'm also referring it to my other courses. I know that in this generation education and the workforce has been becoming a competition and I am going to start Stepping Up My Game, to become more successful. In this process I'm going to start studying more at the library where I have less distractions. I'm going to review my work right after my classes and I'm going to stop procrastinating.
