Creepy or Interesante?

         Wondering and thinking about weird things in life. Something that sounds absurd and weird but how about if it's true? What if people are really puppets and are being controlled ? What if aliens really do sneak up into individuals that catch their attention?  Are people really crazy when they said that they get abducted by aliens or do they really do get abducted?? What if it happened to you, how would you act? Is the Fourth Kind real footage or is it a creation by a SciFi director to keep us wondering about the truth about the mysterious other life in space?
         I constantly have weird thrilling conversations like this with my roommates. keeping us awake at night thinking of explinations about the truth. But the realization is that nobody knows the truth. Because at the end of the day any fact or information that we had ever received was created by another human. And knowing that no homosapian alive in this earth is perfect, causing us to constantly make mistakes in life which molds us into the beautiful people we are today, makes us unreliable. Like for Example in my Anthropology class we found our selves still arguing about a document that a woman made a long time ago. Is it really important in life that could be a conflict in our lives, and the answer is absolutely not. But classmates and the instructor think long and hard stressing eachother out trying to figure out if she's right or wrong. If she was reliable or was she a person that we should of avoided for documentation that we behold today. And Margaret Mead was known a woman of knowledge and Intellegence, yet her work is still questioned.
          The TRUTH in life is people don't know what is true in life, and he/she may never know what is true in life because the world is constantly changing. But what matters is how he/she deal with the information that they are storing.
 Creepy-Houses-28.jpgThe House is the reliable source and everything around it, is the change that's going on in the world!!
