
Showing posts from November, 2011

Video Proposal

            For my video proposal I was thinking about making it on Distractions. How so many people get distracted and how hard it is to balance everything out. Between your friends, family issues and partying/ having the fun that sometimes you need. Some kids don't know how to balance it out or don't know how to deal with difficult problems with issues with their families. Some kids isolate, miss their classes, or become party animals. But yet they are many kids that plan to just keep their mind in only school. Those are the kids that specifically could really stay on task and aren't as easily distracted. Then they are kids how are so easily distracted and would usually take them a few hours to accomplish on the work that needs to be completed. I'm planning to show or interview some students that have to deal with this criteria. And this time I'm making sure that my video is live and published (for teacher)!!           Also in my video I hope that I could propo
        On campus I feel like life is completely different. The stressors I would have at home I won't have on campus. Even though I would miss my family a lot, I feel as if I was home I would probably have more things to worry about. Living on campus helps me a little on focusing on me a little more. Students that live on campus are most distracted by many things that surround the campus but it gives us students a good practice on how to manage our time skills and balance out our responsibilities. I also feel like all of these help us prepare for the future. In helping us manage so many responsibilities.         Even though living on campus is different and could be beneficial unfortunately it has different affects on other students. Some students see it as an opportunity to party and just have a good time with their friends. Which could lead them into breaking night and not attending or slacking in their courses. Many students that have tha perspective fail out of college and i

The Brains mysterious ways!

            I think that this is interesting because I was always interested in what side is more dominant in the brain but now I know that everybody had their own specific side that is more dominant. The brain just keep working in it's mysterious ways. I wonder how some people got more dominant on using a certain part of their brain. Does the way they are raised or taught affects it?              I don't know what side I specifically use more.Mostly because I feel like I use both sides. I seem to fit into both Linear VS. Hollistic Processing because I can't really process my lecture hall unless I read the chapter first before a lecture hall because I have to see the bigger picture first and then deal with learning little parts of it.   And I laso fit into Sequential VS. Random Processing becuase I usually have to make a list of my assignments and planneer to keep on task and on schedule. I can't really do any random assignments or not write my assignments down b

Learning Rx

In the article At Learning Rx  I thought it was interesting how the way you learn things is developed even when you are a baby. I wonder what really affects your ability to develop how people learn things? I also thought that it was interesting because it also made me realize that I'm more of a Visual and Kinesthetic Learner. Visual Learner:  Visual learners learn best by looking at graphics, watching a demonstration, or reading. For them, it’s easy to look at charts and graphs, but they may have difficulty focusing while listening to an explanation.  Kinesthetic Learner: Kinesthetic learners process information best through a “hands-on” experience. Actually doing an activity can be the easiest way for them to learn. Sitting still while studying may be difficult, but writing things down makes it easier to understand. It also left me curious to know how are people able to train themselves to learn the other ways of learning. I had made an effort to try to learn other w

What scares me more: Regarding The Articles; For Debt & Stress

    Reading these blogs I realized how much it scares me to even continue my education. My biggest fear about attending college was being in debt. I hated the thought of having money and not being able to keep money in your pocket or in your bank account because you need to keep up with the payments. I'm a person that thinks about the future and it scares me to even think about the possibility of not being able to find a job and being stuck working at Burger King or at a fast restaurant not being able to keep up with all the payments.       Which also was one of my stressors. I was very intrested in the article about stress becuase I didn't really know how much stress could really affect the body like that. I especially didn't know that it could cause back pains. And I know me and my friends have been getting a lot of backpains and headaches lately. The articles made me feel a little feel better too knowing that I'm not the only one thinking or stressing about the sa

(= Let's help change the world =)

         One thing I found quiet interesting is that kidness has a domino affect. Which means that you could do something nice to somebody and later on in the day that person could help out somebody else and it just trends along. I learned this while I was passing through a club's table early in the morning asking people if they wanted to make them and their friend a stress ball. I was so interested because I didn't really notice that. How many people in life just don't think twice on how sometimes kindness could reflect on somebody's whole day. The thought of just being nice could help the society become a better place, creating more peace and more support on campus from our peers.         Then one day I had received a phone call, it was my best friend and she was telling me how she had dropped her books all over the floor in the train station. Then this kind stranger stops by and helps her with her books. Later on in the day somebody drops their stuff all over the fl