Prepping and conforming to college life to Become successful

2 types of Freedom:
  • A human person cannot be forced to perform any free act against his or her will. Which is considered a negative form of freedom. Because in many situations people have the freedom to make their own decision but after making that decision many people tend to regret their decision.
  • Freedom to determine oneself, to form oneself and one's acts.”
    which is the 2nd type of freedom which is also known as the positive freedom form.
     Many people object or don't agree on making a schedule because they believe that it would take away a lot of their freedom. But many people don't realize that without a schedule he or she may probably all over the place and would have more of a chance to miss assignments than always being accurate.
     Scheduling is important because it enables you to order your use of time so that you can achieve your goal in life. It's also very important to remember that people making themselves a schedule needs to keep in mind that they need to make their schedule flexible enough that way if something slightly changes it wouldn't ruin the whole schedule. Knowing me I definitely need to keep that in mind =).
