
Showing posts from 2011

The New and Improved "ME" =)

             1. What have you learned about yourself as a college student so far? Where are you in your learning process?      As a college student I learned that I'm very easily distracted by my sorroundings and that sometimes my peers can influence me to be a better student, like pushing myself to study at the library. I also learned new study habits and new habits to when and where I should do my school work and when is the best time for me. I also learned that as a person I get very aggravated when I start something and I don't finish it all at once. Even though I'm tempted to run from my problems and responsibility and found new ways to deal with a lot of stressors and an over load of work. I became more wise and have expanded my view of things as a student and as a young adult. I am still struggling with my learning process but found ways to help decrease the struggle. Such as listening to music that way I won't be as distracted by the shoe taping or the gum
#16.   Go to Counseling Services or Career Services. Post info, answers to inquiry questions, and a photo on your blog.                                   Counceling service     The counceling service is in the ENG building in the second floor. Nothing is really needed except a part of your time to sign some papers putting in some information and signing a contract just reassuring you and the councelor that the sessions are going to be confidential.      And if someone is need to talk to somebody that's in crisis their is a hotline that is available at any time. It's free and anybody is welcomed to call them. If somebody is interested and wants to talk to a councelor you can call: 203.392.7278 ex. 25475.      They are very nice and kind and don't feel uncomfortable because everybody at some point needs to talk to somebody to help you cope with life situations. The reason doesn't have to be anything urgent it could be as simple as school stressors and they wil

Video Proposal

            For my video proposal I was thinking about making it on Distractions. How so many people get distracted and how hard it is to balance everything out. Between your friends, family issues and partying/ having the fun that sometimes you need. Some kids don't know how to balance it out or don't know how to deal with difficult problems with issues with their families. Some kids isolate, miss their classes, or become party animals. But yet they are many kids that plan to just keep their mind in only school. Those are the kids that specifically could really stay on task and aren't as easily distracted. Then they are kids how are so easily distracted and would usually take them a few hours to accomplish on the work that needs to be completed. I'm planning to show or interview some students that have to deal with this criteria. And this time I'm making sure that my video is live and published (for teacher)!!           Also in my video I hope that I could propo
        On campus I feel like life is completely different. The stressors I would have at home I won't have on campus. Even though I would miss my family a lot, I feel as if I was home I would probably have more things to worry about. Living on campus helps me a little on focusing on me a little more. Students that live on campus are most distracted by many things that surround the campus but it gives us students a good practice on how to manage our time skills and balance out our responsibilities. I also feel like all of these help us prepare for the future. In helping us manage so many responsibilities.         Even though living on campus is different and could be beneficial unfortunately it has different affects on other students. Some students see it as an opportunity to party and just have a good time with their friends. Which could lead them into breaking night and not attending or slacking in their courses. Many students that have tha perspective fail out of college and i

The Brains mysterious ways!

            I think that this is interesting because I was always interested in what side is more dominant in the brain but now I know that everybody had their own specific side that is more dominant. The brain just keep working in it's mysterious ways. I wonder how some people got more dominant on using a certain part of their brain. Does the way they are raised or taught affects it?              I don't know what side I specifically use more.Mostly because I feel like I use both sides. I seem to fit into both Linear VS. Hollistic Processing because I can't really process my lecture hall unless I read the chapter first before a lecture hall because I have to see the bigger picture first and then deal with learning little parts of it.   And I laso fit into Sequential VS. Random Processing becuase I usually have to make a list of my assignments and planneer to keep on task and on schedule. I can't really do any random assignments or not write my assignments down b

Learning Rx

In the article At Learning Rx  I thought it was interesting how the way you learn things is developed even when you are a baby. I wonder what really affects your ability to develop how people learn things? I also thought that it was interesting because it also made me realize that I'm more of a Visual and Kinesthetic Learner. Visual Learner:  Visual learners learn best by looking at graphics, watching a demonstration, or reading. For them, it’s easy to look at charts and graphs, but they may have difficulty focusing while listening to an explanation.  Kinesthetic Learner: Kinesthetic learners process information best through a “hands-on” experience. Actually doing an activity can be the easiest way for them to learn. Sitting still while studying may be difficult, but writing things down makes it easier to understand. It also left me curious to know how are people able to train themselves to learn the other ways of learning. I had made an effort to try to learn other w

What scares me more: Regarding The Articles; For Debt & Stress

    Reading these blogs I realized how much it scares me to even continue my education. My biggest fear about attending college was being in debt. I hated the thought of having money and not being able to keep money in your pocket or in your bank account because you need to keep up with the payments. I'm a person that thinks about the future and it scares me to even think about the possibility of not being able to find a job and being stuck working at Burger King or at a fast restaurant not being able to keep up with all the payments.       Which also was one of my stressors. I was very intrested in the article about stress becuase I didn't really know how much stress could really affect the body like that. I especially didn't know that it could cause back pains. And I know me and my friends have been getting a lot of backpains and headaches lately. The articles made me feel a little feel better too knowing that I'm not the only one thinking or stressing about the sa

(= Let's help change the world =)

         One thing I found quiet interesting is that kidness has a domino affect. Which means that you could do something nice to somebody and later on in the day that person could help out somebody else and it just trends along. I learned this while I was passing through a club's table early in the morning asking people if they wanted to make them and their friend a stress ball. I was so interested because I didn't really notice that. How many people in life just don't think twice on how sometimes kindness could reflect on somebody's whole day. The thought of just being nice could help the society become a better place, creating more peace and more support on campus from our peers.         Then one day I had received a phone call, it was my best friend and she was telling me how she had dropped her books all over the floor in the train station. Then this kind stranger stops by and helps her with her books. Later on in the day somebody drops their stuff all over the fl

Creepy or Interesante?

          Wondering and thinking about weird things in life. Something that sounds absurd and weird but how about if it's true? What if people are really puppets and are being controlled ? What if aliens really do sneak up into individuals that catch their attention?  Are people really crazy when they said that they get abducted by aliens or do they really do get abducted?? What if it happened to you, how would you act? Is the Fourth Kind real footage or is it a creation by a SciFi director to keep us wondering about the truth about the mysterious other life in space?          I constantly have weird thrilling conversations like this with my roommates. keeping us awake at night thinking of explinations about the truth. But the realization is that nobody knows the truth. Because at the end of the day any fact or information that we had ever received was created by another human. And knowing that no homosapian alive in this earth is perfect, causing us to constantly make mist

The Disappointment in My Midterm Grade

              I am not where I imagined to be. I was disappointed in my midterm grade. I expected better from myself and I want and AM going to do better. I'm going to try to change some of my habits because I notice that it's not helping me. I never failed before and I'm not going to start failing now.          I decided that I'm going to start speaking up if I can't figure something out instead of trying to figure it out on my own. I'm also going to start working more on my time management skills. I know it's a little far into the semester and it might be a little late but it's hard for me when their is always something that happens that kind of throws me off track. But that I am aware that's not an excuse either.         I am going to get involved into a study group which I already have a study partner and I'm not only referring it to my INQ course but I'm also referring it to my other courses. I know that in this generation educ

Outside of my shell

    Before I, Channise Xiomara Ortega was too shy to get involved into a large group of people unless I was motivated by my friends. I was always known for being bold and doing stuff independently but joining something I wasn't really sure of was not me. I also wasn't the person to speak up in a crowd of people because I have stage fright and when I'm on the spotlight I tend to freeze up and stutter.    But lately for the last couple of weeks I have been attending and getting involved into many different activities.     I attended this first meeting for OLAS and enjoyed the meeting. The meeting had introduced me to my close friend Edson Teixeira and Kaira. We participate a lot on many activities that OLAS has been active on.      We have volunteer and helped out a stage crew prepare before their big act. I also have participated on helping set up for the huge ball dance "Noche De Gala" that raised money for scholarships for students in need.     I'

Midterm Video Report

          Working on this video was way harder than I thought. I had multiple of issues regarding with the camera. I had found a camera but most of the computers that I had doesn't have a slot for me to put in the memory card for the camera. Many ideas are wondering through my head wether I should add some dancing or add some other talents. I was also wondering wether or not does my creativity has to be linked to the Critical thinking questions or if they could just simply be in my video for entertainment. And to top everything off I really don't get the imovie thing but I am in the process of figuring things out =)

Could human results be compared to animal results?

      Their was an experiment that teachers had performed on kindergardners. Every kid had gotten a marshmalllow. But they had received another marshmallow if they had waited without eating a marshmallow. And whoever ate a marshmallow wouldn't get a second marshmallow. The kids who did waited without eating the marshmallow were considered successful in life because they seem to show more self discipline. The kids who didn't wait for their second marshmallow were considered not as much sccessful as the first group.      Now if they had done the same experiment with baby monkeys or chimpansees (substituting the marshmallows with bananas) would they have the same results (considering that monkeys/ chimpansees are similar to humans)?       RESULTS : I had three kind of answers. The first theory that kids had was that many monkeys are considered like human and at times they could be even smarter than humans. So they said that if a monkey had self discipline than maybe they coul

Time management

 Observing how I spend my quality time I noticed the I never do the same thing everyday. I always find myself doing somthing different. Sometimes I do H/W right after class or sometimes I would go to sleep do H/W, eat and then go back to sleep, or the other way around.       I'm the type of person that really doesn't like to rush doing anything. When I rush I just forget too many things and end up finding my self lost. So, I make plans ahead of time. I spend the minimum on h/w an 1 hr and 30 min. for each H/W. Since I've been observing my actions more than usual I noticed that I could be easily distracted. I could be doing homework, a friend would knock on the door and I'll attempt to do my homework but it wouldn't go as smoothly with people around. I spend most of my time on INQ and ANT homework because thouse are the courses I have that really deals with computers, so I really take a while sometimes.      I definately need to keep working on my time management o

The Club Fair

Safari assignment #9: The Hispanic Heritage club I was interested in this club because ever since I left Puerto Rico I never was ever to find any Hispanic friends that I really liked. I'm looking forward learning how other people's culture differ from mines. I'm also excited to the upcoming events and hope that it would be fun. What also motivated me to sign up for the club was my best friend and also my roommate Amanda. We always around each other so she suggested that we should sign up for different types of clubs and that was one of them. Paint ball club ever since I been going to SCSU I've heard about to paint ball club and been anxious to join also with my friend Renee. And when we went to the club Fair that was the first thing I signed up for. So I'm hoping that it would be a lot of fun especially since I'm joining with my other friend. I always wanted to try to paint ball but I never really got the chance. I hope that this time I really do get a chan

Get To Know Me =) (just for fun)

My name is Channise Ortega, a freshman at SCSU . I love being creative and can't forget that I love MONKEYS TOO!! I love helping people, reading, writing, and sometimes feel deprived when I can't solve a clue . I been through a lot of corruption in my life. which gives me a stronger heart to strive. That's why I want to become a Forensic Nurse or a Detective to help solve crimes. And at least decrease the abomination. "If you reach for the Moon, you'll end up in the stars " a quote that feeds my Motivation . By: Channise Ortega

Even though everybody is an "A" for Awesome These are the people who should deserve an "A" =)

           I believe that Tina’s  blog could be an “A” because she shows a lot of creativity and shows a lot of imagery in her blog. Like when she was describing how she wanted to be in Best Buddies she looked and posted up a picture that represented Best Buddies. She also had opened up herself to her blog that way us readers could understand her more clearly.       Nicole 's blog should also receive an "A" because it seems like she put a lot of hard work into it. It also seems like she wrote a lot of interesting things and it shows imagery. The one thing that really interested me about her blog was all the different blends of color. It kind of kept me interested other than what she had to say.       Also believe that Kyre's Blog also deserves an "A" because I think that his blog was interesting considering that I do know a lot of commuters and I also was interested in his video even though my computer wouldn't let me watch it =/ but I was interested

Blogs that capture my interests =)

Private Eye Reading: The Top 50 Detective Blogs     One of my interest even when I was little was being a Dective. I was always interested and into figuring out what the clues are and always looking forward seeing people that create more abomination go to jail. This article contained about the experience of LAPD's doesn't really include that much detective work but it includes a lot of action and it always interested me because I could only imagine being in that situation. Not knowing what would happen next would keep my adrenaline pumping and keep my senses active. Which at some points could increase my confidence because I know I could do something that a lot of people aren't really able to do which is one of my dreams and something I would be able to accomplish one day. This blog had first caught my attention because of its title. And it kept me interested cause I kept imagining what would I do if I was in there situation. And knowing that they are able to write about t

#5. Safari Assignment

            FLAG FOOTBALL          The bleachers were wet and cold so people who attended this flag football had to stand. The wind was blowing so hard and it was freezing. One minute I was so glad that I was getting out of my room next minute I knew, I was wishing I was in bed. It was so freezing and then it started drizzling at some point. The rain felt as if it was smacking me in the face, prickling my face. It reminded me when I had played ' Powder Puff '' the temperature was cold and the only thing that kept me warm was the adrenaline that ran through my body. Powder Puff was a game where all the seniors would play Flag Football against another school. Which was taken very seriously. But it was fun and we were very successful in winning the game. I'm proud to say that. But other than reminiscing on my flag football game I had also met some new people which were very ''interesting''. They were very funny and really random. But I'm still glad I wa

Prepping and conforming to college life to Become successful

2 types of Freedom: A human person cannot be forced to perform any free act against his or her will. Which is considered a negative form of freedom. Because in many situations people have the freedom to make their own decision but after making that decision many people tend to regret their decision. “ Freedom to determine oneself, to form oneself and one's acts.” which is the 2 nd type of freedom which is also known as the positive freedom form.      Many people object or don't agree on making a schedule because they believe that it would take away a lot of their freedom. But many people don't realize that without a schedule he or she may probably all over the place and would have more of a chance to miss assignments than always being accurate.      Scheduling is important because it enables you to order your use of time so that you can achieve your goal in life. It's also very important to remember that people making themselves a schedule needs to keep in mind that

New Information on How Things Just Keep Electrifying or Needs To Want To Learn More.

             Kafka Improves Learning "The idea is that when you're exposed to a meaning threat –– something that fundamentally does not make sense –– your brain is going to respond by looking for some other kind of structure within your environment," said Travis Proulx, a postdoctoral researcher I think that this quote is really interesting to me because I never thought that the brain would actually change it's structure to understand something that doesn't make sense. The research had been taken on Sep. 16, 2009.  Reading a book by Franz Kafka –– or watching a film by director David Lynch –– could make you smarter. I believe that any book you read would make you smarter because people expand their knowledge when they read.                                                                                 What exactly in the book would make you smarter? Would it be the concept of the book or just the subject? "Meaning, according to Proulx, is an expected asso

As A College Student...

College is like a community which is constantly making an effort to expand someone's knowledge not only in the classroom but also as an individual. Teaching us how to become independent and responsible of our own actions, and preparing students to further themselves in the real world Being a college student mean to me academically that my knowledge would be expanded preping me for a better work force. Socially, I feel as if it's going to improve my social skills learning on how to approach different individuals. And also expanding my network of people. Personally college means to me for a place to get away and make myself become a better person. I expect my classes to be a little challenging but not too challenging where I don't get to understand the work. Some of my concerns is not being able to understand the work leaving me confused and not being able to accomplishmy work. Another concern not towards my classes but about my financial needs. I'm worried that because

5 Things That Describe Me =)

ADVENTUROUS: I love to explore and as soon as I get enough money I would love to travel all over the world. I always had promised myself that before I leave this life I would travel all over the world and explore what life has to offer. Traveling the world and leaving the house is part of getting to experience and enjoy life. And even though many people really don't believe in taking risks, I believe that taking risks is part of making mistakes and learning what are some of the things that you could take a chance at risking and what can't you really take a chance at risking. I also believe that seeing what life has to offer will expand my intellectual and also give me a more open perspective on life. SPONTANIOUS =D: People will never know what I would do or say next. Sometimes I become very random especially when I'm bored. Most of the time I'm mostly just saying what I'm thinking or feeling. Just like a monkey you will never know what's going to happen next; Ju